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Academic Research


Refereed Research Publications




  • Perreault, M.F. & Smith-Frigerio, S. eds. (in press 2023). Crisis communication case studies on COVID-19: Multidimensional perspectives and applications. Peter Lang. 


Peer Reviewed 


  • Perreault, M. & Perreault, G. (2021). Journalists on COVID Journalism: Communication Media Ecology of Pandemic Reporting. American Behavioral Scientist.

  • Perreault, G.P. Perreault, M.F. & Maares, P. (2022) Metajournalistic discourse and field theory on journalistic practice in the COVID-19 pandemic. Journalism Practice.

  • Richards. M. & Perreault, M. (2021). Sewing Self-Efficacy: Images of Women’s Mask-Making in Appalachia during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Survive and Thrive: A Journal for Medical Humanities and Narrative as Medicine Special Edition: “‘I Think You’re Muted’: Voices from the Coronavirus Pandemic.

  • Perreault, M., Perreault, G., & Suarez, A. (2021). What does it mean to be a woman in “indie” game storytelling? Narrative Framing in Independently-Developed Video Games. Games & Culture.

  • Perreault, M. & Perreault, G. (2019). Symbolic Convergence in the 2015 Duggar Scandal Crisis Communication. Journal of Media & Religion. 18, (3).

  • Thomas, R. and Perreault, M. (2018). A Lineage of Leakers? The Contingency of Collective Memory inCoverage of Contemporary Leaking Cases. Journalism Practice.

  • Perreault, M., Perreault, G, Jenkins, J. & Morrison, A. (2018). Depictions of Women in 2013 Digital ‘Game ofthe Year’ Nominees. Games and Culture. 13, 8)

  • Hinnant, A., Subramanian, R., Ashley, R., Perreault, M., Young, R., & Thomas, R. J. (2017). How JournalistsCharacterize Health Inequalities and Redefine Solutions for Native American Audiences. HealthCommunication, 1-9.

  • Rolbiecki, A. J., Subramanian, R., Crenshaw, B., Albright D. L., & Perreault, M. (2017). Coming to terms withchronic pain: Exploring Resilience across a sample of patients living with chronic pain. Traumatology, SpecialIssue on Resilience.

  •  Jenkins, J., & Perreault, M. (2016). Stay Tuned: A case study in educational collaboration. JournalismEducation, 5(1), 155-169.

  • Houston, J.B., Spialek, M.L., & Perreault, M.F. (2016). Coverage of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) inthe New York Times, 1950-2012. Journal of Health Communication.

  • Perreault, M., Houston, B. & Wilkins, L. (2014). Does Scary Matter? Testing the Effectiveness of the newNational Weather Service tornado warnings. Communication Studies, Vol. 65 (5). 1-16. 

  • Houston, J.B., Hawthorne, J., Perreault, M., Park, E.H., Goldstein Hode, M., Halliwell, M.R., Turner McGowen,S.E., Davis, R., Vaid, S., McElderry, J.A., & Griffith, S.A (2015). Social media and disasters: A functionalframework for use in disaster planning, response, and research. Disasters, 39(1).


Book Chapters


  • Perreault, M.F. and Adhikari, B. (in press). ““It spread like Wildfire” and “Flooded Hospitals” Compounding Crisis: Climate, Wildfires, and Hurricanes during the Pandemic.” In COVID-19 Communication Case Studies, Mildred Perreault, and Sarah Smith-Frigerio eds. Peter Lang.

  • Carter, D. and Perreault, M. (in press) ““Narrating the Pandemic: Compounding Crisis, Metajournalism, Politics & Presidential Responses Between Communication Ecology and Collective Memory.” Politics and Social Media: Partisanship, Polarization, & Pandemonium. Dan Schill and John Allen Hendricks, eds.

  • Perreault, G. P., Perreault, M.F. and Crawford, M. (2023) “Chapter 18: “Survival and Salvation:” Religious Situational Crisis Communication Strategies,” in   Cohen, Y. and Soukup, P. eds. The Handbook of Religion & Communication, John Wiley Publishers.

  • Richards, M. & Perreault, M. (2022). THE MASK MAKERS: How Women in Appalachia were Empowered During the COVID-19 Response through Sewing. Wendy Welch ed. The COVID-19 Pandemic: Healthcare Response in Appalachia. Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio. 

  • Perreault, M.F. and Perreault, G.P. (2022). Pepper Potts: Partner, Professional, CEO and Superhero in Performance, in Gendered Defenders: Marvel’s Heroines in Transmedia Spaces edited by Bryan J. Carr & Meta G. Carstarphen.

  • Mushayamunda, T. & Perreault, M. (2022). “How Social Media Gives Black NBA Athletes a Platform to Rally Around Racial Injustice During the #BlackLivesMatter Movement,” submitted to “Not Playing Around: Intersectional Identities, Media Representation, and the Power of Sport.” Everbach, T., Colombo-Dougovito, A.M. and Weiller-Abels, K.

  • Parsons, R. & Perreault, M. (2022). Queer Marketing, Who Is It Really For? Identifying a Strategy for Authentic Approaches to LGBTQ+ Branded Messages and Corporate Social Responsibility. LGBTQ Digital Cultures: A Global Perspective. Paromita Pain ed.

  • Perreault, M.F. & Perreault, G.P. (2021). “I Stand by the Comments I Made,” The 2019 FIFA Women’s Soccer Championship: Images, Commentary and Narratives Made with Memes. In The 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup: Media, Fandom, and Soccer’s Biggest Stage. Molly Yanity and Danielle Sarver Coombs (eds.). Springer/Palgrave. 

  • Perreault, G. & Perreault, M. (2021). eSports as a news specialty gold rush: Communication ecology in the domination of traditional journalism over lifestyle journalism. In Pathways and Opportunities into the Business of eSports. Andrews, S. & Crawford, C. eds, IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7300-6.ch014

  • Perreault, M. & Perreault, G. (2020). Responding to Video Game Moral Panic: Persuasive messaging by the video game industry's response to shootings and violence. Innovations and Implications of Persuasive Narrative. Schartel Dunn, S. & Nisbett, G. (Ed.) Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

  •  Perreault, M. & Perreault, G. (2020). Mobile Gaming Strategic Communication and Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) in Fan Culture: A Case Study of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom. Dunn, A. (Ed.) Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3323-9.ch014

  • Perreault, M.F., Perreault, G.P. and McCarty, M.B. (2019). Marketing Gaming for Girls: Narrative Framing ofPrincess Zelda in American and Japanese Nintendo Commercials. In Beyond Princess Culture. Katie Foss ed. New York, Peter Lang.

  • Perreault, M. and Xiao, A. (2018). Dealing with subsequent crisis response: An evaluation of transparency ingovernment response to the New Jersey Boardwalk fire. In C. Hickerson & B. Brunner-Johnson (Eds), Casesin Public Relations: Translating Ethics into Action.


Book Reviews   


·       Perreault, M.F. (in press). Book Review: Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. Stuart Hall. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 1997. 400 pp. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.

·       Perreault, M. F. (2017). Book Review: Timothy Recuber Consuming catastrophe: Mass culture in America’s decade of disaster. p. 1227-1229. Journalism.


Encyclopedia Articles


  • Perreault, M. “Snapchat” entry (2020). Encyclopedia of Journalism, 2nd edition. Gregory Borchard Ed.  SAGE Reference.



Here is a link to my dissertation:


Local Journalism Beyond the Command Post: Journalists as Strategic Communicators and Citizen Stakeholders in Natural Disaster Recovery








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